1. 使用條款的確認和接納
1.1您正在閱讀的法律文件是本公司與您(本文中稱“您”、“客人” 、“顧客”或“用戶”)之間的協議。本公司即電氣集結e-Market(電氣集結有限公司),是本網站的所有權人(本文中稱“電氣集結”” e-Market”、“本公司”或“我們”)。
1.3本公司保留隨時更改下述條款及細則的權利,而無需作出通知。如有任何爭議,本公司的決定將是最終及具決定性。您在每次購買商品時均有義務閱讀此類條款及細則。對此類條款及細則所作更改將線上公佈。如果您不希望受新條款及細則的約束,您可以通過書面通知本公司(可透過電郵sales@emart.com.hk 或發送信件至本公司)來終止本協議,但是繼續享受服務或使用網站或優惠券將視為繼續接受新條款及細則。
2. 使用者帳戶與密碼
2.1 註冊原因:您通常無需進行註冊即能使用網站的部分功能或享受大部分服務。但是要從本網站進行購買必須先進行註冊。原因是為了便於本公司能快速列印您的訂單、查看您的購買歷史以及修改您的首選項。我們保留隨時拒絕註冊或取消現有註冊的權利。
2.2 註冊方法:為了進行註冊,您需要向本公司提供姓名、電郵地址、付款資料,可能還需要提供一些其他個人資訊。有關詳細資料,請參閱本公司的私隱條款。
2.3 密碼:您必須妥善保管帳戶密碼,如果任何授權的第三方知悉您的密碼、對您的電子郵箱進行非授權使用或違反安全有關規定,在您知情的情況下,請立即通知本公司。您同意將您的使用者姓名或密碼披露給經授權的任何人將作為您享受服務、使用網站及/或通過服務和網站進行交易的代理人。請注意,您將對因密碼保管不當造成的一切行為負全部責任。
3. 用戶個人隱私
3.1 電氣集結e-Market致力於保護您的個人私隱,本公司僅將收集的有關資訊用於合法用途。本公司的私隱條款涵蓋使用客人提供的任何資料,使用本公司的服務,即代表客人同意本公司根據私隱條款收集、儲存及使用有關客人的資料,並受私隱條款條款所約束,詳情請參閱 本公司的私隱條款。該私隱條款納入本協議並視為本協議的組成部分。
3.2 本公司並不保證任何透過電氣集結e-Market傳送的個人或其他資料或數據的保密性(並拒絕為此承擔責任)。本公司的現行做法是採取合理措施以維護保密性。
4. 用戶管理
4.1 不利用本站從事非法活動;
4.2 不干擾網路服務,遵守網路服務的相關慣例;
4.3 不發送或接收任何帶有不良、淫穢或脅迫符號的威脅性、嚴重攻擊性內容,發送或接受對任何個人造成褻瀆或誹謗的內容,發送或接受藐視法庭或侵犯機密權、版權、人格權、出版或私隱權或任何其他第三方權利的內容;
4.4 不發佈涉及惡意競爭的評論、廣告和無意義的文字。若用戶有上述行為,本站有權獨立判斷並做出暫停用戶帳戶、遮罩不當言論的處理。用戶若在本站發佈違反法律的言論,本站系統記錄可作為使用者違反法律的證據;
4.5 發送或接收任何會造成技術性傷害的內容(包括電腦病毒、邏輯炸彈、特洛伊木馬程式、蠕蟲、有害元件、損壞數據或其他惡意軟體或有害資料)。
5. 商品
6. 責任限制
6.1 如因意外事件、協力廠商原因或本站無法合理控制的原因使本站系統崩潰或無法正常使用導致網上交易無法完成或丟失有關的資訊、記錄等,本站不承擔責任。
6.2 所有商品相關風險均為客人、廠方或製造商之責任, 本公司作為零售商並不會承擔(包括但不限於)不妥使用商品、商品損壞、損壞所產生的意外傷亡及損失等之責任。
6.3 我們會盡努力確保網店上所列載的商品價格、資料和大小正確。一旦發生錯誤或疏漏,本公司會儘快採取合理措施進行更正。我們保留權利可更改商品的價格而不作另行通知。我們可根據存貨供應,全權決定是否接受所有訂購。如因任何不可預見的原因,包括電腦系統病毒感染、缺陷、篡改、未經授權的干擾、欺詐、技術故障、人為疏漏或其他超出了電氣集結e-Market的控制範圍的任何原因,電氣集結e-Market將保留絕對權利採取可行的任何行動包括取消活動或訂單。但是,本公司不承諾服務或網站不存在任何缺陷(不存在任何錯誤)。如果您發現任何錯誤或疏漏,請透過電郵sales@emart.com.hk 或線上客戶服務告知我們。
6.4 本公司不承諾您對服務的享受或網站的使用不受任何干擾,亦不承諾通過服務或網站傳輸的任何資訊(或消息)將得到準確、可靠、及時的傳輸。
6.5 本公司不承諾服務或網站不攜帶病毒或不攜帶可能對任何技術造成不利影響的其他內容。
6.6 本公司保留在不事先通知的情況下,不時對網站上的或作為服務組成部分的資訊或優惠作出變更、修訂、更換、暫停或刪除的權利。為了進行維修、維護或引進新設施或服務,您對網站及/或服務的使用可能將不時受到限制。本公司將儘快恢復上述使用。對於依賴瀏覽器或其他第三方軟體(包括但不限於 RSS 介面)運行的功能,本公司概不負責。為避免疑義,本公司可能將隨時從網站或服務中撤銷任何資訊或優惠。
6.7 本公司可能在本公司網站寄存由第三方貿易商經營的服務供應商。倘若閣下欲使用、訂購或接收其任何服務及/或商品,請留意閣下提供的任何可辨識的個人身份資料一經傳送予有關貿易商後,相關資料則不包括在本公司保護範圍之內。
6.8 本公司或會包含第三者提供的資料或其他網站的連結。本公司對於任何不受其直接控制的第三者資料或其他網站的運作或內容,概不承擔任何責任。倘若其他網站未經本公司事先同意而裝設本公司的連結,本公司保留權利要求剔除有關連結。
6.9 本公司對於任何非本地訂單之進口限制等問題,概不承擔任何責任。非本地訂單之進口限制等問題將由客人自行承擔。如有任何損失,本公司保留追討權利。
7. 知識產權
7.1 用戶承認所有在服務內使用的軟件和技術的知識產權均由電氣集結e-Market或其合法擁有者保留,用戶不得做或允許任何直接或間接的行為損害合法擁有者的權利和利益。用戶不得以任何方式使用或複製與該服務相關的任何商標(事前沒有得到電氣集結e-Market的書面同意) 。
7.2 用戶在此承諾並同意:
(a) 電氣集結e-Market是該商標和其所有衍生品的合法擁有者;
(b) 不會使用該商標和其任何衍生品或他相似的名稱或商標;
(c) 所有權利、利益和商標帶來的商譽,或其任何衍生品均專屬於電氣集結e-Market; 和
(d) 不會註冊與商標和其任何衍生品相似的域名,或使用任何相似的名稱包括任何視覺或同音詞或者其他衍生的名稱。
7.3 電氣集結e-Market不作聲明或保證由用戶使用其服務將不會在知識產權法下構成任何的侵權或濫用。
7.4 用戶同意承擔使用本服務時所產生的所有風險。儘管任何與此相反的事情,電氣集結e-Market均不作任何保證該服務、軟件或任何互聯網上的信息沒有任何電腦病毒,和電氣集結e-Market不須承擔任何與上述有關的責任或法律責任。
7.5 用戶同意接受有關電腦軟件或技術的特許協議的約束。電氣集結e-Market可不時要求用戶同意及執行該服務,否則電氣集結e-Market有權自行停止或暫停該服務。
7.6 用戶特此授予電氣集結e-Market,其有關的公司和電氣集結e-Market的代理商和分包商,一個永久的、不可撤銷的、全球性、非排他性的、不收費、免版稅的,再授特許的和轉讓的許可去使用、處理、顯示、重出示、儲存、發佈、傳播、交流、改編、翻譯、修改、經營和/或以任何其他方式,將用戶內容任何部分使用於任何目的上。
8. 法律管轄和適用
8.1 此使用條款和因使用其服務和及或本網站而產生的或附帶的任何爭議或事項,須受到中華人民共和國香港特別行政區的法律管限,除非另有說明。
8.2 不可抗力:對於因違反本協議規定義務而導致的責任,如果本公司無法或不能履行相關義務是由於超出本公司能力範圍的事項造成的,包括火災、暴雨、洪水、傷亡、意外、天災、自然災害、任何香港特別行政區政府或其任何機關的法律、命令、宣告、規例、要求或規定、罷工、勞資爭議、勞工短缺或技術工人短缺、商品或原材料短缺或缺乏供應、運輸延誤或任何其他在合理控制範圍以外的理由(不論是否與前述理由相似),本公司將概不負責。
8.3 可分割性:假如本條款和細則的任何條文被擁有司法管轄權的法院裁定為不合法的、失效的或不可強制執行的,該等條文會被視作已被分割,惟餘下條文仍應具有效力和作用。
9. 更換保障
9.1 一般情況下,我們不接受產品退換或取消訂單。
9.2 部分商品如經檢測後証實有出廠缺陷,顧客可於七天內更換相同型號之商品 (部份指定品牌及配件除外)。客人必須攜帶商品到門市安排檢查及更換。本公司為零售商,保障內容及流程取決於品牌商或代理商。
9.3 每次購買只可退換一次。
9.4 更換之商品如沒有存貨,顧客則可更換同等價值之其他商品。
9.5 更換商品時,顧客必須出示有效發票、收據、未填寫保用書。該商品必須包裝完整,無任何損毀及刮花痕跡;而商品機身編號(如有)必須與發票上資料相符。手機及平板電腦類別另需要官方維修部蓋印的驗機紙,証明並無人為損壞。
9.6 如因商品在市場有價格波動、限時優惠價格更改或/及因軟件問題而要求退貨,此退換保障恕不適用。
9.7 顧客必須將購買時所附送之贈品一併退還,否則我們將需要扣除該贈品的價值。
9.8 此更換保障不適用於:
(a) 因意外損毀或疏忽損毀,不正確使用而損毀之商品;
(b) 屏幕有塵、亮點/光點/死點或電子墨水屏背光不均;
(c) 隨機配件;
(d) 未有相關發票或/及 收據或/及 未填寫保用書之商品;
(e) 已註冊之軟件商品;
(f) 有損毀或/及 刮花痕跡之商品;
(g) 已登記保養之商品;
(h) 已root機的手機或電子設備;
(i) 某類商品例如 Apple、Dyson、Nintendo 及 Sony PlayStation等只設官方保養維修並不設零售商更換新商品;
(j) 某些消耗性商品如保護貼、化妝護膚品、保溫水杯等;
(k) 如遇到無線連接或APP操作使用上的問題,客人必需直接聯絡品牌商或代理商跟進。因商品眾多,連接方法及裝置組合複雜,本公司前線職員無法測試出商品品質是否合符生產標准。常見情況如路由器訊號不夠強,藍芽耳機不能配對,APP不能操控商品等;
(l) 大型家電如焗爐,雪櫃,冷氣機等,部份更涉及安裝,品牌商或代理商有指定的檢查及跟進流程;
(m) 所有手機商品,出售後如有人為損壞或/及 不能啟動使用或/及 顯示屏未能顯示與有關發票或/及 收據資料相符之IMEI/Serial No.,需自行交予品牌商或代理商檢查及維修。
9.9 如顧客發現指定大型家電的尺寸不合乎需要或不適合安裝:
(a) 在出貨前,我們可酌情為顧客更換產品型號或品牌的貨品;
(b) 在送貨後而產品包裝未曾打開,我們可酌情為客人更換產品型號或品牌的貨品,惟客人需要支付貨品差價、運費及貨品售價的30%作為行政費及手續費;
(c) 在送貨後而產品包裝已被打開,退換保障恕不適用。
10. 退款
10.1 除上述更換保障情況外,所有已出售的商品均不可退款。
10.2 除特殊情況外,退款以積分形式退回,退回積分以客人下單時實際支付的金額為準。
10.3 商品有價格波動性,售價以出單當刻為準,及後若有價格調整或促銷恕不能退回差價。
10.4 如客人錯誤轉帳,多出的金額只能轉作積分下次購物時使用。如客人堅持要退款,因行政成本關係,每次需要收取$50作行政費。建議客人使用轉帳前看清楚需要轉帳的金額。
11. 貨款
11.1 一般情況下,顧客建立訂單後需在10天內完成付款,而閃購或限時特價產品則另有指定付款時間,逾時訂單將被取消。
11.2 如有需要,顧客可能須先付訂金。除指定購買商品外,該訂金不可轉作購買其他商品或型號之用。假若訂金乃用作預留商品之用,而顧客因任何原因而未能於繳付訂金日起計30日內完成該項購貨交易,所付訂金將會被沒收,以補償本公司之損失。假若所指定的購買商品缺貨超過30日,本公司會將所付訂金無息退還予顧客。除此之外,所付訂金將不作退還。
11.3 顧客須於本公司送貨前繳付購買商品及送貨之全部款項,否則,本公司有權取消送貨。
11.4 如非廠方貨期延誤,訂單一經確認付款後將不能取消。如因廠方貨期延誤,本公司未能如期交貨,客人可申請全額退款,一般會按付款方式退款(旺季及大型促銷期間時間會稍長)。
11.5 如閣下被連接到任何第三方支付平台,因使用該等支付平台而產生或引致由顧客或第三方承擔的任何損害或損失,須由顧客或第三方自行承擔,本公司對第三方網站或平台提供的內容或服務概不負責。在確認訂購前,請仔細閱讀該等第三方支付平台的條款與細則及私隱政策,若顧客點擊提交訂單或付款,則視為同意遵守前述條款與細則及私隱政策。
12. 送貨
12.1 電氣集結e-Market不承擔運送商品的任何損失或損害 (包括但不限於利潤、收入、利息及未來業務的損失等),無論這些損失和損害是特殊性或是間接性,無論電氣集結e-Market是否在受理商品運送之前或之後知曉有這些損失或損害的風險。所有預計之送貨日期及時間只屬本公司預估,本公司會致力盡早發貨,但對一切因延誤或未有送貨而造成任何損失或損害概不負責。如客人認為本條款和條件關於賠償的規定將不足以補償其損失,則應自行投保。
12.2 選擇門店取貨之客人必須於收到通知後15天內取貨。由於分店貨倉面積有限,逾期訂單本公司需調回貨倉,本公司有權向客人收取額外行政費及倉存費。如通知後超過60天仍未取貨,本公司會沒收有關商品以作繳付存倉費。另外,訂單一經付款確認,不可更改商品款式或顏色,亦不可以更改取貨分店。客人自取時,店員有機會向客人要求提供進一步資料以核實身份,如客人全名或客人落單的信用卡等資料。如無法核實,店員有權拒絕交收商品,以保障客人利益。
12.3 大型家電送貨服務需收取運費(以商品頁面顯示之運費為準),離島及偏遠地區需額外收取附加費,樓梯費、推路費、安裝費及回收舊機費需另收費,費用視乎商品尺寸及品牌而定。購買前請先向線上客戶服務主任查詢送貨費用詳情。
12.4 本公司會將客人訂購的商品透過本公司的職員或第三方速遞公司送遞至閣下所提供的送貨地址。當商品送遞至客人所提供的送貨地址,必須由客人親自接收商品(除客人已作出特別指示,可將商品置於門外或大堂管理處的情況外,但客人須就該等送貨自行承擔送遞商品在任何情況下遺失之風險)。倘若客人因任何原因而未能接收商品,客人同意及接受本公司有權選擇向客人收取額外費用或取消客人訂購。
13. 安裝服務責任限制
13.1部分大型商品如冷氣機、雪櫃及洗衣機等或需第三方服務供應商協助顧客安裝。安裝服務均由第三方服務供應商提供,本公司僅能盡力維持該第三方服務供應商服務資料之正確性與有效性,唯本公司對第三方服務供應商所提供的服務不負任何責任。所有商品安裝服務相關風險均由客人或第三方服務供應商之責任, 本公司作為零售商並不會承擔(包括但不限於)安裝失敗、安裝或使用不妥所導致意外,意外所產生的傷亡及損失等之責任。
14. 售後保養
14.1 本公司網站或發票上顯示的保養條款僅供客人快速參考,行貨商品的保養細節以廠方公佈的資料為準。本公司會致力確保保養資料準確,但對一切因資料出錯而造成的損失概不負責。
15. 補償
15.1 客人使用或被指稱使用本網站或本網站內容或因閣下違反本協議所引起的任何索償、訴訟或索求,包括但不限於合理法律及會計費用,由客人自負,客人同意代本公司抗辯,向本公司賠償及使本公司全體免於損害。
16. 一般事項
16.1 本公司保留權利可全權酌情拒絕用戶進入本公司的網站或其任何部分,而毋須作出通知,並可拒絕向任何違反此等條款及細則的用戶提供本公司的服務。
16.2 如未經我們的書面同意,客人不得轉讓或以其他方式處理此等條款及細則規定的全部或部分客人權利及義務。
16.3 瀏覽及/或使用本網站受香港特別行政區法律管限;而關於任何由客人瀏覽及/或使用本網站引起的爭議,客人同意受香港特別行政區非獨用司法管轄權管轄。
17. 電氣集結e-Market積分條款及細則
17.1 透過電氣集結e-Market網站購物,客人或有資格獲得電氣集結e-Market積分(每筆訂單的淨支付計) 。淨支付是指扣除所有優惠或折扣後的金額。
17.2 電氣集結e-Market積分適用於任何透過電氣集結e-Market網站訂購的商品。
17.3 電氣集結e-Market積分有效期為一年並由會員最後購物日期起計算。
17.4 電氣集結e-Market積分不可轉讓,也不可兌換成現金。
17.5 電氣集結e-Market積分不適用於支付送貨費用。
17.6 當客人的使用者帳戶被刪除,累積的電氣集結e-Market積分將被取消。
18. 促銷代碼、優惠碼及優惠卷條款及細則
18.1 本公司提供的促銷代碼、優惠碼及優惠券只適用於透過電氣集結e-Market網站一次性購物,並受條款及細則所約束。
18.2 促銷代碼、優惠碼及優惠券既不退款,也不可兌換現金,剩餘未使用的金額將被作廢。
18.3 若客人的訂單因任何理由被取消或有資格獲得退款,該訂單中使用的促銷代碼、優惠碼或優惠券將被作廢,本公司無需退款或作出任何補償。
19. 跨境送貨服務
19.1 查驗權
19.2 運輸和路線
19.3 清關
如海關當局就確認出/進口申報原因要求額外的資料或文件, 包括但並不限於: 身份証明文件, 地址等,客人有責任及時提供並自行承擔費用。如因客人提供清關資料不及時或不完整,導致貨物清關失敗,相關責任由客人自行承擔。
19.4 運費、關稅及其它費用
19.5 退換貨政策
19.6 跨境送貨服務責任限制
所有商品相關風險均為客人、廠方或製造商之責任, 本公司作為零售商並不會承擔(包括但不限於)不妥使用商品、商品損壞、損壞所產生的意外傷亡及損失等之責任。
The following clauses are drawn up according to industry practices. If there is any discrepancy between the Chinese and English versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.
1. Acceptance of Terms and Conditions
The legal document you are reading is an agreement between our company and you (referred to as "you", "your", "customer" or “user” in this article). The company is E-Market (E-Market Electrical Appliances Limited) and is the owner of this website (referred to as "YOHO", "the company", “we” or "us" in this article).
Please read this agreement carefully. Browsing, accessing or using this website, using any facilities or enjoying any service through this website, and trading through this website are deemed to be your agreement to all the following terms and conditions (herein referred to as the "agreement"). This agreement is signed between you and our company.
The company reserves the right to change the following terms and conditions at any time without notice. In case of any dispute, the company's decision will be final and conclusive. You are obliged to read these terms and conditions each time you place an order. Changes to these terms and conditions will be announced online. If you do not wish to be bound by the new terms and conditions, you can terminate this agreement by notifying the company in writing (you can email sales@emart.com.hk or sending a letter to the company) but continue to enjoy the service or use the website or coupons will be deemed to continue to accept the new terms and conditions.
2. Accounts and Passwords
2.1 Why to register: You can usually use some functions of the website or enjoy most of the services without registering. But to make a purchase from this website, you must first register. The reason is to facilitate the company to quickly print your order, view your purchase history and modify your preferences. We reserve the right to refuse registration or cancel existing registrations at any time.
2.2 How to register: To register, you need to provide us with your name, email address, payment details and possibly some other personal information. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more details.
2.3 Password: You must keep your account password properly. If any authorized third party knows your password, makes unauthorized use of your e-mail address, or violates relevant security regulations, please notify the company immediately if you know it. You agree that the disclosure of your username or password to any authorized person will act as your agent for enjoying the service, using the website and/or conducting transactions through the service and the website. Please note that you will be fully responsible for all actions caused by improper password storage.
3. User privacy
3.1 E-Market is committed to protecting your personal privacy. The company only uses the collected information for legal purposes. The company’s privacy policy covers the use of any information provided by the customer and the use of the company’s services, which means that the customer agrees to the company’s collection, storage and use of the customer’s information in accordance with the privacy policy and is bound by the privacy policy. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more details. This Privacy Policy is incorporated into this agreement and is regarded as an integral part of this agreement.
3.2 The company does not guarantee the confidentiality of any personal or other information and data transmitted through E-Market (and accepts no responsibility for this). The company’s current practice is to take reasonable measures to maintain confidentiality.
4. User Management
The user agrees that all activities on this site follow Hong Kong laws, regulations and rules, and strictly abide by the following terms:
4.1 Do not use this site to engage in illegal activities,
4.2 Do not interfere with network services and abide by the relevant practices of network services,
4.3 Do not send or receive any threatening or severely offensive content with unhealthy, obscene or coercive symbols, send or receive content that is profane or defamatory to any individual, send or receive contempt of court or infringement of confidentiality, copyright, or personality rights, publication or privacy rights or any other third-party rights,
4.4 Do not publish comments, advertisements and meaningless texts that involve malicious competition. If the user has the above behavior, this site has the right to independently determine and make the suspension of the user's account and mask inappropriate remarks. If a user posts a remark that violates the law on this site, the system records of this site can be used as evidence that the user violates the law;
4.5 Send or receive any content that can cause technical harm (including computer viruses, logic bombs, Trojan horse programs, worms, harmful components, damaged data or other malicious software or harmful data).
5. Commodities
In addition to the price listed on the product page of the website, there may be discounts according to arrangements such as promotional activities and membership levels. The price of the product purchased by the user is subject to the final price of the payment interface, and the user has been fully understood and recognized the price of the products before payment. If the goods ordered by the user are out of stock, the user has the right to cancel the order. The company can also cancel the order in whole or in part and return the prepaid money (without interest) by the user. The company is not responsible for the legal obligations and responsibilities from the failure to complete the transaction due to product shortage. In addition, products marked [for use outside Hong Kong] on the website may not be directly applicable to Hong Kong due to voltage and electric plugs. Such products are only available for purchase by customers outside Hong Kong. If you use them in areas that are not directly applicable, you must bear the responsibility for it.
6. Limitation of Liability
6.1 If the website system crashes or cannot be used normally due to accidents, third-party reasons, or reasons beyond the reasonable control of the company, the company will not be responsible for the failure of online transactions or the loss of relevant information, records, etc.
6.2 All product-related risks are the responsibility of the customer, the factory or the manufacturer. The company as a retailer will not bear the liability of (including but not limited to) accidental casualties and losses caused by improper use of the product and product damage.
6.3 We will make every effort to ensure that the price, information and size of the goods listed on the online store are correct. Once errors or omissions occur, the company will take reasonable measures to correct them as soon as possible. We reserve the right to change the price of the goods without prior notice. We can decide whether to accept all orders based on the inventory supply. If due to any unforeseen reasons, including computer system virus infection, defects, tampering, unauthorized interference, fraud, technical failure, human omission or any other reason beyond the control of E-Market, E-Market reserves absolute rights to take any feasible action including event or order cancellation. However, the company does not promise that the service or website is free of any defects (and errors). If you find any errors or omissions, please inform us via email sales@emart.com.hk or online customer service.
6.4 The company does not promise that your enjoyment of the service or the use of the website will not be interfered with, nor does it promise that any information (or messages) transmitted through the service or website will be accurately, reliably and timely.
6.5 The company does not promise that the service or website will not carry viruses or other content that may adversely affect any technology.
6.6 The company reserves the right to change, revise, replace, suspend or delete information or offers on the website or as part of the service from time to time without prior notice. In order to repair, maintain or introduce new facilities or services, your use of the website and/or services may be restricted from time to time. The company will resume the above use as soon as possible. The company is not responsible for functions that rely on browsers or other third-party software (including but not limited to the RSS interface) to operate. For the avoidance of doubt, the company may withdraw any information or offers from the website or service at any time.
6.7 We may have service providers hosted in our Websites which are operated by third party merchants. If you want to use, order or receive any services and/or products from any of them, please note that any personally identifiable information you provide, once transferred to the relevant merchant, is beyond our control and thus outside the scope of protection afforded by us.
6.8 We may contain materials produced by third parties or links to other websites. E-Market accept no responsibility or liability in respect of any such third party materials or for the operation or content of other websites (whether or not linked to emartdenki.com) which are not under E-Market direct control. E-Market reserves the right to require the removal of any link from another website to emartdenki.com which is installed without obtaining the prior written consent of E-Market.
6.9 E-Market accept no responsibility or liability in respect of import restriction of non-local orders. Responsibility or liability in respect of import restriction of non-local orders should be borne solely by the customer. E-Market reserves the right to claim any damages from import restriction orders.
7. Intellectual Property Rights
7.1 The user acknowledges that all the intellectual property rights of the software and technology used in the service are reserved by E-Market or its legal owner, and the user shall not allow any direct or indirect behavior to damage the rights and interests of the legal owner. Users are not allowed to use or copy any trademarks related to the service in any way (without the prior written consent of E-Market).
7.2 The user hereby promises and agrees:
(a) E-Market is the legal owner of the trademark and all its derivatives.
(b) Will not use the trademark and any derivatives or other similar names or trademarks.
(c) All rights, benefits and goodwill brought by trademarks, or any derivatives thereof, belong exclusively to E-Market, and
(d) Will not register domain names similar to trademarks and any derivatives thereof, or use any similar names including any visual or homophones or other derivative names.
7.3 E-Market does not make a statement or guarantee that the use of its services by users will not constitute any infringement or abuse under the intellectual property law.
7.4 The user agrees to bear all risks arising from the use of this service. In spite of anything to the contrary, E-Market does not make any guarantee that the service, software or any information on the Internet is free of any computer viruses, and E-Market shall not bear any responsibilities or legal liabilities related to the above.
7.5 The user agrees to be bound by the license agreement related to computer software or technology. E-Market may ask users to agree to and implement the service from time to time, otherwise, E-Market has the right to stop or suspend the service on its own.
7.6 The user hereby grants E-Market, its related companies and E-Market 's agents and subcontractors, a permanent, irrevocable, global, non-exclusive, free, royalty-free, and then franchise and transfer Permission to use, process, display, reproduce, store, publish, disseminate, communicate, adapt, translate, modify, operate and/or use any part of the user content for any purpose in any other way.
8. Legal jurisdiction and application
8.1 These terms of use and any disputes or matters arising from or incidental to the use of its services and or this website shall be governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, unless otherwise stated.
8.2 Force majeure: For the liability caused by the violation of the obligations stipulated in this agreement, if the company’s inability to perform the relevant obligations is caused by matters beyond the company’s ability, including fire, rainstorm, flood, casualties, accidents, natural disasters, any laws, orders, declarations, regulations, requirements or regulations of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government or any of its agencies, strikes, labor disputes, labor shortages or shortages of skilled workers, shortages of products or raw materials or lack of supply, delays in transportation, or any other, the company will not be responsible for reasons outside the reasonable control range (whether similar to the aforementioned reasons or not).
8.3 Severability: If any provision of these terms and conditions is ruled as illegal, invalid or unenforceable by a court having jurisdiction, those provisions will be deemed to have been divided, but the remaining provisions should still be effective.
9. Replacement Guarantee
9.1 Under normal circumstances, we would not accept any request for exchange of products or cancellation of orders.
9.2 If some products are found to have factory defects after inspection, customers can replace products of the same model within seven days (except for certain designated brands and accessories). Customers must bring the products to the store to arrange inspection and replacement. E-Market as a retailer, all guarantee content and process depend on the brand or agent.
9.3 Each transaction can only be returned and exchanged once.
9.4 If the replaced goods are not in stock, the customer can replace another good with the same value.
9.5 When replacing goods, the customer must present a valid invoice, receipt, and an unfilled warranty. The goods must be packaged intact without any damage or scratches; and the serial number of the goods (if any) must match the information on the invoice. In addition, mobile phones and tablets require an inspection paper stamped by the official maintenance department to prove that no one has been damaged.
9.6 If the product is requested to return due to price fluctuations in the market, limited-time preferential price changes, or/and software problems, this return guarantee does not apply.
9.7 The customer must return the gift that was included in the purchase, otherwise we will need to deduct the value of the gift.
9.8 This replacement guarantee does not apply to:
(a) Goods damaged due to accidental damage or negligence damage, improper use.
(b) The screen has dust, bright spots/light spots/dead spots or uneven backlight of the electronic ink screen.
(c) Random accessories.
(d) Goods for which there is no relevant invoice or/and receipt or/and the warranty is not filled in.
(e) Registered software products.
(f) Products that are damaged or/and scratched.
(g) Products that have been registered for maintenance.
(h) A rooted mobile phone or electronic device.
(i) Certain types of products, such as Apple, Dyson, Nintendo and Sony PlayStation, are only subject to official maintenance and repairs, and retailers are not required to replace new products.
(j) Certain consumable products such as protective stickers, cosmetics and skin care products, insulated water cups, etc.
(k) If there is a problem with the wireless connection or APP operation, the customer must directly contact the brand or agent for follow-up. Due to the large number of products, the connection method and the complex combination of devices, the frontline staff of the company cannot test whether the product quality meets the production standards. Common situations such as the router signal is not strong enough, the Bluetooth headset cannot be paired, the APP cannot control the product, etc.
(l) Major appliances such as ovens, refrigerators, air-conditioners, etc., some of which involve installation, and brand owners or agents have designated inspection and follow-up procedures.
(m) All mobile phone products must be handed over to the brands or agents agent for inspection and maintenance if they are damaged or/and cannot be activated or/and the display fails to display the IMEI/Serial No. that matches the relevant invoice or/and receipt data.
9.9 When customers find the size of the ordered product does not fit for their need or installation,
(a) before dispatch of products, we can replace the customers with other product model or brand at our discretion;
(b) after delivery and the product packaging has not been opened, we can replace the customers with other product model or brand at our discretion. Customers however need to pay the price difference, shipping fee and 30% of the product selling price as the administrative fee and handling fee;
(c) after delivery and the product packaging has been opened, no replacement shall be provided.
10. Refund
10.1 Except for the replacement guarantee conditions mentioned above, all sold goods are non-refundable.
10.2 Except for special circumstances, refunds are returned in the form of points, and the returned points are subject to the amount actually paid when the customer places the order.
10.3 The product is subject to price volatility, and the selling price is subject to the moment the order is issued, and the difference cannot be refunded if there are price adjustments or promotions afterwards.
10.4 If customers mistakenly transfer money, the excess amount can only be transferred as points for next purchase. If customers insist on a refund, a $50 administrative fee will be charged each time. It is recommended that customers check carefully before transferring money.
11. Payment
11.1 Under normal circumstances, customers need to complete the payment within 10 days after placing an order, excepting orders of flash sales and limited-time special offers with designated payment completion time. Overdue orders will be cancelled.
11.2 If necessary, customers may have to pay a deposit first. Except for the designated purchase of goods, the deposit cannot be transferred to the purchase of other goods or models. If the deposit is used to reserve goods, and the customer fails to complete the purchase transaction within 30 days from the deposit payment date for any reason, the deposit will be forfeited to compensate the company's losses. If the specified purchased goods are out of stock for more than 30 days, the company will refund the deposit to the customer without interest. Otherwise, the deposit paid will not be refunded.
11.3 The customer must pay the full payment for the purchase and delivery of the goods before the company delivers the goods, otherwise, the company has the right to cancel the delivery.
11.4 If the non-factory delivery date is delayed, the order cannot be cancelled once the payment is confirmed. If the company fails to deliver the goods on time due to the factory's delay in delivery, the customer can apply for a full refund, which will generally be refunded according to the payment method (the time will be longer during peak seasons and large-scale promotional periods).
11.5 If you are connected to any third-party payment platform, any damage or loss caused by or caused by the customer or the third party shall be borne by the customer or the third party. We are not responsible for the content or services provided by the platform. Before confirming the order, please carefully read the terms and conditions and privacy policies of these third-party payment platforms. If the customer clicks to submit an order or pay, it is deemed to agree to abide by the aforementioned terms and conditions and privacy policy.
12. Delivery
12.1 E-Market shall not be liable for any loss or damage (including but not limited to loss of profits, income, interest and future business) in connection with the delivery of goods, whether such loss or damage is special or indirect, whether E-Market knows of the risk of such loss or damage before or after the goods are accepted for delivery. All delivery dates and times are estimated only and E-Market will endeavour to dispatch the goods as soon as possible but will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from any delay or non-delivery. If the customer considers that the provisions of these terms and conditions relating to indemnity will not adequately compensate him/her for loss, he/she should take out his/her own insurance.
12.2 Customers who choose a store to pick up the goods must pick up the goods within 15 days after receiving the notification. Due to the limited warehouse area of the branch, the company needs to transfer back to the warehouse for overdue orders. The company reserves the right to charge additional administrative fees and storage fees to customers. If the goods are not picked up for more than 60 days after the notification, the company will confiscate the goods for payment of storage fees. In addition, once the order is confirmed, the style or color of the product cannot be changed, nor can the pick-up branch be changed. When the customer picks it up, the staff may request further information from the customer to verify the identity, such as full name or the credit card that the customer placed the order. If it cannot be verified, the staff has the right to refuse delivering the goods so as to protect the interests of customers.
12.3 The delivery service of large home appliances is subject to shipping charges (subject to the shipping charges displayed on the product page). Additional charges are required for outlying islands and remote areas. Stair, road, installation, and recycling fees are subject to the product size and brand. Please check with the online customer service officers for details of delivery charges before purchasing.
12.4 The company will deliver the products to the delivery address provided by the customer through the company’s staff or a third-party courier company. When the product is delivered to the delivery address provided by the customer, the customer must receive the product in person (except for the case where the customer has given special instructions to place the goods outside the door or the lobby management office, but the customer must bear the risk of losing the delivered product under any circumstances). If the customer fails to receive the product for any reason, the customer agrees and accepts that the company has the right to choose to charge an additional fee or cancel the order.
13. Limitation of Liability for Installation Services
13.1 Some large-scale products such as air conditioners, refrigerators and washing machines may require third-party service providers to assist customers in the installation. Installation services are provided by third-party service providers. The company can only strive to maintain the accuracy and validity of the third-party service provider’s service information, but the company is not responsible for the services provided by the third-party service provider. All risks related to product installation services are the responsibility of customers or third-party service providers. As a retailer, the company will not bear the liability of (including but not limited to) installation failure, accidents caused by installation or improper use and accidental casualties and losses.
14. Warranty Terms
14.1 The warranty terms shown on website or invoice are for quick reference only. Details of the warranty refer to the official information of the manufacturers or distributors. E-Market strive to warranty accuracy but shall not be liable for any loss incurred or suffered by misrepresentation of warranty terms.
15. Compensation
15.1 Any claim, litigation or request, including but not limited to reasonable legal and accounting expenses, caused by the customer’s use or alleged use of this website, the content of this website or violation of this agreement are responsible by the customer. The customer agrees to defend on behalf of the company, compensate and protect the entire company from damage.
16. General
16.1 The company reserves the right to deny users access to the company's website or any part of it at its sole discretion without notice, and to refuse to provide the company's services to any user who violates these terms and conditions.
16.2 Without our written consent, the customer may not transfer or otherwise deal with all or part of the customer's rights and obligations stipulated in these terms and conditions.
16.3 Browsing and/or use of this website is governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; and for any disputes caused by the customer's browsing and/or use of this website, the customer agrees to be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
17. E-Market Points Terms and Conditions
17.1 By shopping through the E-Market website, customers may be eligible to earn E-Market points (the net payment for each order). Net payment refers to the amount after deducting all offers or discounts.
17.2 E-Market points are applicable to any products ordered through the E-Market website.
17.3 E-Market points are valid for one year and calculated from the member's last purchase date.
17.4 E-Market points are not transferable and cannot be exchanged for cash.
17.5 E-Market points are not applicable to payment of delivery costs.
17.6 When the user account is deleted, the accumulated E-Market points will be cancelled.
18. Terms and Conditions of Promotional Code, Coupon Code and Coupon
18.1 The promotional codes, discount codes and coupons provided by the company are only applicable to one-time purchases through the E-Market website and are subject to terms and conditions.
18.2 Promotional codes, discount codes and coupons are neither refundable nor exchangeable for cash, and the remaining unused amount will be forfeited.
18.3 If the customer's order is cancelled for any reason or is eligible for a refund, the promotional code, coupon code or coupon used in the order will be invalid, and the company does not need to refund or make any compensation on it.
19. Cross-border Delivery Service
By using E-Market 's cross-border delivery service, you agree that the following terms and conditions apply.
19.1 Right of Inspection
Customers agree that any government department has the right to open and inspect shipments without prior notice at any time. E-Market shall not be responsible for any loss caused by any delay due to such inspection.
19.2 Transport and Routing
The Customer acknowledges and agrees to all routings and diversions, including the possibility of deliveries via intermediate stops.
19.3 Customs Clearance
The Customer appoints E-Market as the sole agent for customs clearance and delivery of goods through customs. E-Market may complete itself or entrust the delivery to the recipient's customs broker or other address either on its own or to a third party or at the request of a person that E-Market reasonably believes to be authorized.
E-Market will assist the customer with customs clearance and other formalities, such assistance will be at the customer's own risk and expense.
If additional information or documents are required by the customs authorities to confirm the reason for the export/import declaration, including but not limited to: identity documents, address, etc., it is the responsibility of the customer to provide them in a timely manner and at his own expense. In the event of failure to clear the goods due to delayed or incomplete provision of information by the customer, the customer shall be responsible for the relevant liability.
19.4 Shipping, Tariff and Other Charges
E-Market 's shipping charges will be calculated according to the higher the actual weight or volumetric weight of the goods and E-Market may re-weigh and re-measure any shipment to confirm its calculation.
The customer is always primarily responsible for all charges and, regardless of payment by the recipient or a third party, the customer shall pay to E-Market all freight, tariff (customs duties) and other charges payable by the recipient or third party but not yet paid.
19.5 Return and Exchange Policy
Except for the replacement guarantee conditions mentioned above, all sold goods are non-refundable.
Except for special circumstances, refunds are returned in the form of points, and the returned points are subject to the amount actually paid when the customer places the order.
The product is subject to price volatility, and the selling price is subject to the moment the order is issued, and the difference cannot be refunded if there are price adjustments or promotions afterwards.
19.6 Limitation of liability for cross-border delivery services
All product-related risks are the responsibility of the customer, the factory or the manufacturer. The company as a retailer will not bear the liability of (including but not limited to) accidental casualties and losses caused by improper use of the product and product damage.